lessons for a better life

Every year I like to reflect on what I’ve learned and what I believe myself, my clients, and the world need to to be mindful of and reminded of. I have compiled this year’s list for all of you to read and reflect on. We often think it’s going to be the big things in life that make us feel complete, but what I’ve found is that often times it’s the little things. The way I talk to myself in my head, the people i surround myself by, the perspective I allow myself the space to have. I hope you enjoy reading and reflecting and I hope you learn something here that you can take back into your life.

  1. Don't be nice, be kind. Nice is fake - comfortable in the moment, but kind is real and honest and if we want depth in our connections and relationships it comes from kindness, not niceness.

  2. Don't confuse carrying for people as caring for people - their sh*t is theirs - show up, listen and help, but don't take their sh*t as yours it burdens you and enables them.

  3. We are heavily influenced by the five people we spend the most time with - make sure you're swimming in the right pond.

  4. Anxiety and angst can be measured as the space between our reality and our expectations - sometimes our expectations need to change (hello high achievers). Still, sometimes we need to change our reality.

  5. So many people strive for perfection, but in reality, we don't like perfect people - just be good enough and get better, but never perfect.

  6. Don't forget that time is the real currency, everything else is noise.

  7. Treat everyone like they're going through something because everyone is whether they tell you or not, and you have the opportunity to help them or burden them, choose wisely.

  8. We put a lot of pressure and importance on milestones (promotions, ages, making $x) that sometimes we forget 99.9% of life is lived between the destinations. Enjoy the journey.

  9. Zoom out often - if something feels big at the moment, ask yourself if it'll still matter in 1 month. 1 Year? 10 Years? Based on your answer proceed accordingly.

  10. Productive and busy are not the same thing. Be productive, not busy.

  11. Take time to process - a lot gets thrown at us in a day and if we don't make sense of it a little at a time little things become bigger than they need to be.

  12. We don't control other people and we can't change other people, but we do control our reaction and response to other people. Work to receive people and situations differently and your life will change.

  13. Don't personalize things that don't need personalizing - feedback about a problem or a situation is much easier to take on than when we over-personalize and make it about us or our worth - it might just be about the document and not about you.

  14. The world will take from you as much as you are willing to give it. It's your job to have boundaries and not expect the world to set them for you.

  15. In a world of fakes, bots, and AI; be real. Be authentic. Be you. The more time you spend being you, the more comfortable you'll feel. The world needs more of you and not the you that you think we all want, but the you that you want to show us.

Much love, Sarah walton CBO


on embracing better